We Will Rise!

We Will Rise!

Thursday 28 April 2011

Happy 59th Birthday Madam PM!

On Friday 22nd April, Prime Minister Hon. Kamla Persad Bissessar celebrated her 59th birthday. Dressed in a Yellow Sari, the Prime Minister, accompanied by close relatives and friends celebrated her birthday with Prayer at her private residence in Phillipene, South Trinidad. Mrs. Persad Bissessar opted to have a prayer instead of a party because she believes that she has so much to be thankful for and we as a nation must turn to God. What a woman! Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar, We Salute you!

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Kamla Persad Bissessar- Woman Supreme!

 It is very often that people will ask me why do I really take such a great interest in this woman, Kamla Persad Bissessar? Well, I'll tell you. I recall the general elections of 2007, there was a political meeting in Marabella. My family and I decided to go to that meeting and so we did., However, the crowd was Enormous! I could'nt believe how many people turned out. We unfortunately got there late and so we were stuck in the back of the crowd.,away from the stage. I could remember clearly though, when the chairman introduced Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar to the platform, I sliced through the crowd, forgetting my parents and everyone and made my way to the front of the stage. I was 14 years old back then.
 I could never explain it but there's just something in her speech. Something that made you Want to listen. She just had this very genuine, concerned, caring way about her and that was what caught me! That election period, i remembered listening to every one of her speeches, no matter what I was doing at the time, I stopped just to listen to her! Of course when she announced her candidacy in the Internal elections of the UNC to contest the post of Political leader, no one could have been happier than me. I folowed that campaign religiously and I remembered praying every night asking God for this victory. And Once more, God didn't disappoint me... She Won! That was the happiest day of my life!
That was until General Elections 2010 of course! Another campaign I followed religiously. Night after night she would take the stage, entering to that ever famous "We Will Rise" song by Nigel Rojas. I tell you, when she entered onto that stage with that song playing in the background, the feeling was as if the spirit of the Lord had moved you. Every night, tears would well up in my eyes as she took the stage. Just the fact of knowing how people had so much faith in what they were doing... so much hope. And evidently that hope was'nt false hope, they won that election with a landslide victory, winning 29 out of the 41 seats... and that night, that election night, when the results was clear, Many rejoiced and the atmosphere was one of much celebration and jubilation. 
Up till today, I still follow Kamla Persad Bissessar religiously and I am a very avid supporter of the United National Congress. Kamla Persad Bissessar is the Ideal Role Model and that is why I look up to her!
Kamla Persad Bissessar - Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago
Political Leader of the UNC